Founding Team

Sant Attar Singh Ji
Sant Attar Singh Ji, a widely renowned and deeply respected Saint in modern times, was a staunch advocate for girls’ education. He firmly believed in the harmonious integration of contemporary education with spirituality to foster comprehensive and values-driven learning.
In pursuit of this vision, he established educational institutions in Mastauna, with a special emphasis on the education of girls. Furthermore, he actively participated in various educational conferences, inspiring others to establish numerous schools and colleges. His profound impact extended beyond education, as he played a pivotal role in guiding countless individuals onto the path of Gurmat by initiating them into the Khalsa fold. Sant Attar Singh Ji served as a messenger of universal brotherhood and unity, perpetually dedicated to nurturing the growth of compassionate and morally upright human beings.
Sant Teja Singh Ji
Sant Teja Singh Ji, formerly known as Niranjan Singh Mehta, founded the Kalgidhar Trust in Baru Sahib in 1963, with a mission of promoting universal brotherhood and prosperity. Inspired by his deep reverence for Sant Attar Singh Ji, he aimed to continue his mentor’s legacy of blending science and spirituality to improve the world.
Sant Teja Singh Ji held a law degree and studied at Harvard University in the United States. Under his leadership, the Kalgidhar Trust has established various initiatives, including Gurmat Vidyalaya, Akal Gurmat Sangeet Kala Kendra, an orphanage, an old-age home (Birdh Ashram), an ashram for widows and disadvantaged women, Akal Charitable Hospital, two universities, and 129 schools, all dedicated to societal improvement. Like his mentor, he emphasized the crucial role of educating rural girls.

Padam Shri Baba Iqbal singh ji
The late Padma Shri Shiromani Pant Rattan Baba Iqbal Singh Ji firmly believed that educating women has a ripple effect, benefiting generations and fostering national socio-economic growth. Educated women not only contribute to household income but also understand their societal rights, make informed decisions on childcare and family health, and inspire countless others.
Baba Iqbal Singh Ji’s visionary perspective led to the establishment of Eternal University, an all-women’s institution, and Akal Institute of Rural Women Empowerment (AIRWE). These initiatives have empowered over eight thousand women, aligning with his profound vision for female empowerment.